Pogo party is a mini game within Plants vs Zombies. I accessed to some gaming sites yesterday and found that it is perhaps one of the mini games that people seem to have trouble with. For myself, I won it in the third try. In the first try, I didn't know what to expect so I lost quite quickly. The second try is much better, just that I was careless and let a pogo zombie hop all the way through without even noticing, perhaps due to tiredness of my eyes for playing too long.
My strategy is quite unorthodox, because it relies on chompers. Yes, you read it right. CHOMPERS, the seemingly useless plant.
How I came to use chompers is because I noticed that the pogo zombies have quite a bit more endurance than normal zombies, even after the pogo stick is sucked away by the magnet. Even 2 cabbage-pult in a row cannot stop them without the outer one being eaten. Furthermore, I noticed that the zombies come one by one, slowly when not in "a huge wave". So, I need something that can kill zombies with more than average toughness and the reload speed need not be very fast. There comes the idea of using chompers.
My selected plants are these: Chompers, Jalapeno, Sunflower, Twin Sunflower, Frost Shroom, Flower Pot, Magnet, Coffee Bean, Pumpkin and Pumpkin Imitator. Oh yeah, be sure to buy the roof cleaners from Crazy Dave for $3000. Small change right?
The strategy: Focus on sun power collection. Build and build sunflowers as fast as possible and upgrade to twin sunflower when it comes. When Pogo zombies comes by, ignore it! Make full use of your roof cleaners! I don't know if it is luck or what but I never got two Pogo Zombies coming in the same lane after one another during the early game period. They would come in such a pattern that one will appear in one lane only, which will be stopped by my roof cleaners while I am building up a massive sunlight factory. I suspect it is not luck, because even the tree of wisdom did recommend using roof cleaners.
After all the roof cleaners are used up, you should have 2 rows of sunflowers, with a few twin sunflowers, at least 3 magnet, if not 5, and several chompers with pumpkin to buff them. A thing to note about magnet. Before the roof cleaners are used up, DO NOT WAKE THEM UP! Just plant them and keep them asleep. You definitely do not want the pogo-less zombies to walk by and eat your plants before an appropriate defense force is ready. I emphasize that the early game is to build and gather sunlight, not to build a defense yet.
By this time, the first wave should be coming. The pumpkin protected chompers should be capable to absorb quite a bit of damage. If it falls, feel free to build another. By now, your sunlight should be more than enough to spam. You may also need to pumpkin your other plants, because the magnet might suck a pogo stick in mid air, dropping the zombie on a pumpkin-less plant. That is why I used imitator. You should save jalapeno for emergencies, like a case where all your magnets are used up and one lone pogo zombie goes through all the way, like what it did in my second game.
Frost shrooms are marvelous plants, since it slows down the zombies, giving you precious time for the magnets and chompers to reload and slow down the eating of the zombies, saving your pumpkins as well. The beautiful thing about chompers is that it can eat stuff two spaces in front of it! If a chomper is placed behind another plant, it can eat the zombie that is eating the plant in front. Another great thing about chompers is the fast reload time. You can always dig out a chomper that is digesting and drop another one or just put another flowerpot in the front column and a chomper on it for quick killing.
I hope this can help people to clear that mini game easily. Although I would like to think that this is my original idea, this may not be true. There are a lot of smarter people than yours truly. If another person has already shared something like this online or what, I would like to say that I did not copy or intend to copy what you have done or wrote or shared or anything else. It would be a case of coincidence, since I would not copy another person's ideas and pass them off as my own. In that case of coincidence, I would give full credit to the originator of the idea. By the way, have fun playing the game!